First and foremost, I’m a mama to three amazing little humans. They are what inspire me to continue to do what I love- or maybe what cause me to need this creative outlet where I can just simply be me- not mom.

you may have met me as Hayley simmons photography, but since getting married- I changed my business name!

I’ll most likely show up to your session looking not quite as put together as my photos online- real life “instagram vs. reality”- I know you know what I mean.

I have always been the girl with the camera, in high school I was that girl who had her digital camera at the parties and bonfires. and I wouldn't have changed a thing. photos have always been a part of who I am, and I wouldn’t have ever imagined I would be here. so grateful!

I am a dog lover, so yes, please always bring them to be apart of your special moments!

i’m a Capricorn.. whatever that entails for all of you who do that zodiac sign thing.

  • I feel most comfy in my hoodies and leggings

  • I’m a cheer coach to four & Five year olds

  • I have 10 nieces & nephews. I love our big family!

  • My favorite color is pink

  • I absolutely love Christmas, and the love and warmth the season brings

  • If I had to bet- I’m probably shorter than you

  • I drink more coffee, than well anything else. If you see me in the Starbucks drive thru for the third time in one day- no you didn’t